It was at a birthday party where I met someone who asked me what I did. I told her I made furniture and was interested in architectural experiments. She suggested that I get in touch with the Rotterdam School of Dance.
So I did and I got invited to look in on a dance class. Later on I learned that the person I had spoken with was the director of the school. Soon I found out that the intention of the introduction was to start a project wherein the students of the school would perform outdoors with my installation as props.
This resulted in an idea to make an installation using 9x9 poles, 226 cm high (based on the sizes of le Corbusier’s Modulor) placed on the corners of each square of a chessboard. I also created musical instruments based on the same sized system.
The installation and performance premiered on the Schouwburgplein in Rotterdam in 1983, as well as in other places later on.